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Monday, April 4, 2011


We get the soft tacos, too.  That's all I'll eat.


Russia is in Asia.  My dad was saying when I was talking to him that he wishes they didn't say white but say Caucasian.  There are different places.  First there's African.  Then there's indigenous indians.  Then there's the Middle East.  Then there's Asia.  Then there's southern European.  Then there's middle European.  Then there's north European.  F.y.i. Johnny Depp is related to the first freed black woman and seems to have significant Cherokee plus the German and the Irish.  I even think I've heard he's English.

I'm back.

I'm gonna take a nice shower.



We were moving to New Orleans, but my dad claims he can't have afforded a house in New Orleans.  He checked out all the areas and found only one Catholic school that was opened.  I remember I thought it was funny when he got home where we used to live, I'd say, "Oh no."  I used to talk to my mom in private that I wanted to eat earlier so I wouldn't be as tired, but we had to wait for my dad.  I started losing sleep.  I did get in trouble with my mom for saying, "Oh no."  Like, Ooh Noh.  It was a thing because I didn't like touching with my parents, though it had become uptight.  I guess it wasn't so funny really.

I remember that my brother used to lie on the floor a lot.  My mom eventually networked teaching exercise from my piano teacher's suggestion to start teaching her and her sisters tai chi.  My mom wanted to stay in Slidell for my brother to grow up, but Hurricane Katrina came.  Anyway, my brother weighs how much I did at 5' and he's taller than my dad around 5'8.  It was hard in school being around people of different heights because they don't believe in appreciating differences.

Something I Posted About Tim Burton

People feel submissive to him.  I think a key difference between another fan and I would be that.  I am appreciative though not submissive.  What is that feeling, anyway?  What I might feel most submissive to is his directing, like of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) the most.  I just think that's overly cool and am not afraid to say I noticed.